
Yizie Wikipiideɛ
tightrope walking
Subclass oftightrope walking Maale eŋ
CountrySouth Korea Maale eŋ
Country of originSouth Korea Maale eŋ
Intangible cultural heritage statusRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, National Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Korea Maale eŋ
Described at URLhttps://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/00448, https://ich.unesco.org/fr/RL/00448, https://ich.unesco.org/es/RL/00448, https://english.cha.go.kr/chaen/search/selectGeneralSearchDetail.do?mn=EN_02_02&sCcebKdcd=17&ccebAsno=00580000&sCcebCtcd=31&pageIndex=1&ccebKdcd=17&ccebCtcd=, https://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=1273100580000 Maale eŋ

Jultagi (Korean: 줄타기) or eoreum (어름) e la ba saakom deɛne a Korean deme naŋ maŋ deɛnɛ neŋ a tightrope- kyembo poɔŋ. O poɔ la a South Korea's saakom tigri poɔŋ.

Yiibu Zie[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Yeli zaa kyebe ka neɛ naŋ yeli ka a deɛne ŋa yi la zie kaŋa. Noba mine zanne yɛlɛ yaga kyaare neŋ a yɛloŋ ŋa ba nyɛ bonn zaa kyaare ne a Silla ane Goryeo saŋa naŋ na te tɔ zinɛ.

A e la kpeɛŋaa ko tenne mine kyaare neŋ a yieloŋ ŋa see ka sensenloŋ la bee deɛne poɔ la ka ba de o eŋ ko ba.[1] Jultagi e peɛnoo bebiri a ko a South Korea aŋa Daeboreum, Dano ane Chuseok bebiri. A korean koraa poɔ noba a seoul poɔ maŋ de o la ka o e zie noba naŋ baŋ gaa kaa. Naa yiri poɔ la ka yeli zaa maŋ e aseŋ a boŋ-ŋmeɛre maaloŋ ane a taaba mine kaŋa.

Te maŋ baŋ nyɛ a la a King and the Clown deɛne poɔŋ.[2]

Yɛŋ Toma[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Namine gaŋ la lezaayi a Jultagi teŋɛ poɔŋ, yel bilii mine ba naŋ maŋ erɛ la mie zu kyɛmo,zobaa, ane a taaba mine. Mine meŋ la kyemo, zo-gaale,are bie zu kyɛ ta le aneŋ a mine kaŋa.[3]

Toɔloŋ[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

duoroo yiibu[4] 

Poŋ emmo Yuori dɔgroŋ Maaloŋ Gɔɔloŋ Zannoo ŋmaaroŋ toɔloŋ Kim Daegyun (김대균, 金大均) Male Jultagi 22 July 2000 toɔloŋ Kim Yeongcheol (김영철, 金永哲) Male Jultagi 30 June 1976 22 Gyenoɔre 1988

Toma[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Transmitter[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Information of Possessors[5]
Classification Name Sex Artistic talents Acquisition Dissolution
possessor Kim Daegyun (김대균, 金大均) Male Jultagi 22 July 2000
possessor Kim Yeongcheol (김영철, 金永哲) Male Jultagi 30 June 1976 22 January 1988

Kaa Kyɛ[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Sommo Yizie[maaleŋ | Maale eŋ yizie]

Tɛmpileti:UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity/APA

  1. https://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?pageNo__=1_2_1_0&culPageNo=1&searchCondition=%EC%A4%84%ED%83%80%EA%B8%B0&region=1&s_kdcd=00&s_ctcd=00&ccbaCncl=2&ccbaKdcd=17&ccbaAsno=00580000&ccbaCtcd=31&ccbaCpno=1273100580000&ccbaPcd1=99&returnUrl=%2Fheri%2Fcul%2FculSelectViewList.do&pageNo=1_1_2_0
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20090819061352/http://twitchfilm.net/archives/006941.html
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20210131163923/http://www.arirang.co.kr/Tv2/ALegacy_Whatson.asp?PROG_CODE=TVCR0301&MENU_CODE=100753&sys_lang=Eng
  4. https://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/selectJunsList.do?ccjuKdcd=17&ccjuAsno=00580000&ccjuCtcd=31
  5. Tɛmpileti:Cite web